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Let's Be Real - Cultivate Authentic Relationships in Christ

Hi CLIC Family,

During my family holidays in Malaysia, I had the wonderful opportunity to re-establish connections with my parents and siblings. What's even more remarkable is that I reconnected with friends whom I had lost touch with for over three decades! This experience taught me a valuable lesson: God has designed us to be relational beings, and, even more importantly, our lives truly flourish when we cultivate authentic relationships with one another – when we're genuine and open in our interactions.

You see, God created us for connection, for relationships with Him and with one another. In Genesis 2:18, we read, "It is not good for man to be alone." Our Creator knew from the beginning that authentic relationships are essential for our well-being.

People often choose to hide behind a mask because of fear and insecurity. The fear of judgment, rejection, or vulnerability can lead individuals to present a facade rather than their true selves. Social media often reinforces the idea that we should conform to certain expectations, which can make people hesitant to reveal their genuine thoughts and feelings. Additionally, personal past experiences of hurt or betrayal may contribute to a reluctance to be open and authentic. However, it's essential to recognise that true growth and meaningful connections happen when we have the courage to be vulnerable, embrace authenticity and shed those masks we hide behind.

I'm truly grateful for the blessing of being able to be vulnerable and be myself with our pastoral and church management teams. It's not that I've never had worries about judgment, but it's something we've all worked hard on. We've prioritised our relationships over functions, creating a supportive environment where we freely share our joys and fears. This approach has made serving the Lord an even more joyful and authentic experience for all of us, and it means the world to me.

Jesus stands as the ultimate example of authenticity and vulnerability. Within the Gospels, we witness His profound love, His tears, and even moments of laughter. The vulnerability of Christ becomes apparent in the Garden of Gethsemane, where He was so overwhelmed that He sought the support of His closest disciples in prayer.

Jesus  extends an invitation to us, urging us to emulate His example. He calls us to love one another deeply, to embrace vulnerability in our relationships, and to open our hearts to His life-changing grace within our church community.

Church, let us build authentic relationships in Christ. They are the threads that weave our church family together, making us stronger, more compassionate, and more Christ-like. As we journey through this year, may we walk hand in hand, loving and supporting one another in the way our Saviour intended.

I want to express my deep love and gratitude for each one of you. Our church family is a beautiful tapestry of unique stories and experiences, and I am truly blessed to be your pastor. Let's commit ourselves to growing in authenticity and love for one another, knowing that as we do, we draw closer to the heart of God.

With the love of Christ,
